Hillhouse Investigations, Inc.
Satanic Babies Page
One of the most important questions an expectant mother can ask herself, her doctor or her psychic adviser is: "is my baby possessed by Satan?" Actually, this is a very difficult determination to make, and only those experienced in paranormal activity should be called upon to answer such a question. The medical doctor, therefore, (although highly suited to answer questions regarding Colic, the Babinski Reflex, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is probably the wrong person to ask. We at Hillhouse Investigations, Inc. have encountered a great many cases of, and have specialized for years in the study of Demonic Infant Possession (DIP) and have created a profile of common DIP cases so that you, the parent, can assess for yourself the necessity for professional intervention.
The sad truth is that pre-natal DIP assessment is not currently possible using existing technology. It is only by examining the child after birth that a Certified Psychic Technician (CPT) can assess the presence of Satanic Ectoplasmic Residue (SER) from the child's Aura. Fortunately, (for the layman, although not for the baby) the effects of DIP often extend beyond the aura and actually modify the physical appearance of the child. The photo above shows a common case of DIP. Please note the following characteristics
1. Enlarged, eyes - red, yellow or green. (mismatched eyes are not uncommon)
2. Engorged veins about the head and down the back.
3. Swollen ears - often dripping with pustual ooze. (WARNING: DO NOT INGEST!!!)
4. Long, sharp fingernails.
5. Tongue of unusual size (often prehensile).
6. Small, dangly tail. (not to be confused with the penis, if baby is male)
Other Characteristics, not apparent from photo are:
1. Raspy voice.
2. Extended vocabulary. (greater than the average infant).
3. Ability to levitate.
4. Fondness for raw meat. (Generally swallowing whole, without chewing)
5. Often blasphemes against the lord. (see #2)
If your child exhibits any of these characteristics, write to us here before its too late!!! At Hillhouse Investigations, Inc., we use a combination of ancient ritual and modern technology to rid the DIP infected infant of its demonic host. Demonic Infant Possession is something too important to put off until the last minute... write to us NOW!
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